
Traducciones detalladas de terrible de francés a inglés


terrible adj.

  1. terrible (épouvantable; terriblement; effroyable; )
  2. terrible (énorme)
  3. terrible (répugnant; monstrueux; affreux; )
  4. terrible (atroce; horrible; affreux; )
  5. terrible (chic; réglo; du tonnerre)
  6. terrible (terrifiant; épouvantable; horrible; )
  7. terrible (abominable; inhumain; féroce; )

Translation Matrix for terrible:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
cool contrôle; contrôle de soi; distance; frais; fraîcheur; froid; froideur; maîtrise; maîtrise de soi; rafraîchissement; refroidissement; rhume
gross majorité
repelling refus; rejet
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
cool apaiser; rafraîchir; refroidir; réfrigérer; s'apaiser; se rafraîchir; se refroidir
AdjectiveTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
abhorrent affreusement; affreux; atroce; atrocement; hideusement; hideux; monstrueux; répugnant; terrible
abominable abominable; affreusement; affreux; atroce; atrocement; barbare; brutal; brutalement; cruel; cruelle; cruellement; dur; durement; féroce; férocement; hideusement; hideux; impitoyable; inhumain; inhumainement; monstrueux; rude; répugnant; rêche; sans pitié; terrible; terrifiant; épouvantable abominable; crasseux; de façon sinistre; détestable; effroyable; execrable; exécrablement; lamentable; malicieusement; malicieux; maligne; minable; misérable; odieusement; odieux; pitoyable; qui donne le frisson; sans valeur; sinistre; terriblement; à faire fremir; épuvantablement
appalling affolant; affreusement; atroce; effroyable; effroyablement; terrible; terriblement; vachement; épouvantable abominable; affligeant; affreux; angoissant; atroce; attristant; consternant; criant; dangereux; de façon sinistre; déplorable; déshonorant; effrayant; effroyable; effroyablement; honteusement; honteux; horrible; infâme; inouï; malicieusement; malicieux; maligne; qui donne le frisson; révoltant; scandaleusement; scandaleux; sinistre; terriblement; terrifiant; à faire fremir; épouvantable; épuvantablement
barbaric abominable; affreusement; affreux; atroce; atrocement; barbare; brutal; brutalement; cruel; cruelle; cruellement; dur; durement; féroce; férocement; hideusement; hideux; impitoyable; inhumain; inhumainement; monstrueux; rude; répugnant; rêche; sans pitié; terrible; terrifiant; épouvantable barbare
brutal abominable; affreusement; affreux; atroce; atrocement; barbare; brutal; brutalement; cruel; cruelle; cruellement; dur; durement; féroce; férocement; hideusement; hideux; impitoyable; inhumain; inhumainement; monstrueux; rude; répugnant; rêche; sans pitié; terrible; terrifiant; épouvantable brutalement; cruel; cruellement; impitoyable; inhumain
cool chic; du tonnerre; réglo; terrible affable; aimable; amical; amicalement; avec réserve; aéré; calme; calmement; d'humeur égale; flegmatique; frais; fraîche; fraîchement; frisquet; froid; froidement; gentil; gracieux; impassible; impersonel; paisible; paisiblement; placide; posé; rationnel; rationnellement; réservé; serein; tranquille; tranquillement
cruel abominable; affreusement; affreux; atroce; atrocement; barbare; brutal; brutalement; cruel; cruelle; cruellement; dur; durement; féroce; férocement; hideusement; hideux; impitoyable; inhumain; inhumainement; monstrueux; rude; répugnant; rêche; sans pitié; terrible; terrifiant; épouvantable avide de sang; dur; durement; impitoyable; impitoyablement; inhumain; sanguinaire; sans pitié
dreadful affolant; affreusement; atroce; effroyable; effroyablement; horrible; misérablement; pitoyable; pitoyablement; terrible; terriblement; terrifiant; vachement; épouvantable affligeant; affreux; attristant; consternant; criant; déplorable; désagréable; déshonorant; effrayant; effroyablement; ennuyeux; inouï; révoltant; terriblement; terrifiant; épouvantable
fantastic chic; du tonnerre; réglo; terrible astucieux; chic; chouette; d'une façon géniale; d'une manière sensée; de génie; délirant; dément; extra; extraordinaire; extraordinairement; fabuleux; fantastique; formidable; fou; génial; habile; lunatique; magnifique; malin; phénoménal; sensé; spécial; superbe; unique; unique en son genre
frightful horrible; misérablement; pitoyable; pitoyablement; terrible; terriblement; terrifiant; épouvantable abominable; affligeant; affreux; angoissant; atroce; attristant; consternant; criant; dangereux; déplorable; déshonorant; effrayant; effroyable; effroyablement; horrible; inouï; menaçant; précaire; précairement; révoltant; terriblement; terrifiant; épouvantable
gross terrible; énorme banal; bas; basse; bassement; bourbeuse; bourbeux; brut; cochon; crapuleusement; crapuleux; dégueulasse; grossier; grossière; grossièrement; ignoble; ignoblement; infect; infâme; malpropre; méchant; méprisable; sale; terreux; trivial; vil; vilain; vulgaire
gruesome abominable; affreusement; affreux; atroce; atrocement; barbare; brutal; brutalement; cruel; cruelle; cruellement; dur; durement; féroce; férocement; hideusement; hideux; impitoyable; inhumain; inhumainement; monstrueux; rude; répugnant; rêche; sans pitié; terrible; terrifiant; épouvantable abominable; affreux; angoissant; atroce; crasseux; dangereux; dégoûtant; dégueulasse; effrayant; effroyable; horrible; malpropre; pourri; répugnant; salement; terrifiant; écoeurant
heinous abominable; affreusement; affreux; atroce; atrocement; barbare; brutal; brutalement; cruel; cruelle; cruellement; dur; durement; féroce; férocement; hideusement; hideux; impitoyable; inhumain; inhumainement; monstrueux; rude; répugnant; rêche; sans pitié; terrible; terrifiant; épouvantable crasseux; dégoûtant; dégueulasse; malpropre; pourri; répugnant; salement; écoeurant
horrible abominable; affreusement; affreux; atroce; atrocement; détestable; détestablement; exécrable; haïssable; horrible; horriblement; lamentable; misérablement; odieusement; odieux; pitoyable; pitoyablement; terrible; terriblement; terrifiant; épouvantable abominable; affreux; atroce; de façon sinistre; détestable; détestablement; effroyable; exécrable; hideusement; hideux; horrible; horriblement; malicieusement; malicieux; maligne; monstrueux; qui donne le frisson; repoussant; répugnant; sinistre; terriblement; à faire fremir; épuvantablement
inhuman abominable; affreusement; affreux; atroce; atrocement; barbare; brutal; brutalement; cruel; cruelle; cruellement; dur; durement; féroce; férocement; hideusement; hideux; impitoyable; inhumain; inhumainement; monstrueux; rude; répugnant; rêche; sans pitié; terrible; terrifiant; épouvantable brutalement; cruel; cruellement; impitoyable; inhumain
inhumane abominable; affreusement; affreux; atroce; atrocement; barbare; brutal; brutalement; cruel; cruelle; cruellement; dur; durement; féroce; férocement; hideusement; hideux; impitoyable; inhumain; inhumainement; monstrueux; rude; répugnant; rêche; sans pitié; terrible; terrifiant; épouvantable
obnoxious affreusement; affreux; atroce; atrocement; hideusement; hideux; monstrueux; répugnant; terrible choquant; de façon sinistre; effroyable; injurieux; malicieusement; malicieux; maligne; offensant; qui donne le frisson; sinistre; terriblement; à faire fremir; épuvantablement
outrageous chic; du tonnerre; réglo; terrible affligeant; coupable; criant; dans le péché; de façon inconvenable; démesuré; déplacé; effrayant; effroyablement; enclin au péché; exagéré; exagérément; exceptionnel; excessif; excessive; excessivement; exorbitant; extraordinaire; extravagant; exécrable; grossier; honteusement; honteux; inconvenable; inconvenablement; inconvenant; incorrect; indécemment; indécent; infâme; inouï; malséant; sans mesure; scandaleusement; scandaleux; sujet à pécher; à l'excès
repugnant affreusement; affreux; atroce; atrocement; hideusement; hideux; monstrueux; répugnant; terrible crasseux; dégoûtant; dégueulasse; malpropre; pourri; répugnant; salement; écoeurant
repulsive affreusement; affreux; atroce; atrocement; hideusement; hideux; monstrueux; répugnant; terrible crasseux; dégoûtant; dégueulasse; insipide; malpropre; peu appétissant; pourri; repoussant; répugnant; répulsif; salement; écoeurant
terrible affolant; affreusement; atroce; effroyable; effroyablement; horrible; misérablement; pitoyable; pitoyablement; terrible; terriblement; terrifiant; vachement; énorme; épouvantable d'une façon funeste; de façon sinistre; désastreusement; désastreux; effroyable; formidable; funeste; lamentable; malicieusement; malicieux; maligne; minable; misérable; pitoyable; qui donne le frisson; redoutable; respectable; sans valeur; sinistre; terriblement; à faire fremir; énorme; épouvantable; épuvantablement
terrifying horrible; misérablement; pitoyable; pitoyablement; terrible; terriblement; terrifiant; épouvantable abominable; affreux; angoissant; atroce; dangereux; effrayant; effroyable; horrible; horrifiant; menaçant; précaire; précairement; qui donne le frisson; terrifiant; épouvantable
Not SpecifiedTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
super fantastique; génial; sensass
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
awful affolant; affreusement; atroce; effroyable; effroyablement; terrible; terriblement; vachement; épouvantable angoissant; effrayant; effroyable; effroyablement; fichu; foutu; horrible; malheureux; minablement; misérable; misérablement; patraque; redoutable; terrifiant; épouvantable
repelling affreusement; affreux; atroce; atrocement; hideusement; hideux; monstrueux; répugnant; terrible dégoûtant; insipide; peu appétissant; repoussant; répugnant; répulsif
revolting affreusement; affreux; atroce; atrocement; hideusement; hideux; monstrueux; répugnant; terrible crasseux; d'une façon récalcitrante; dégoûtant; dégueulasse; en rebelle; insipide; malpropre; peu appétissant; pourri; rebelle; repoussant; récalcitrant; répugnant; répulsif; salement; à contrecoeur; écoeurant
super chic; du tonnerre; réglo; terrible

Sinónimos de "terrible":

Wiktionary: terrible

  1. Qui causer de la terreur ; qui est propre à donner de la terreur.
  1. terrible
  2. causing dread
  3. oppressing with fear; appalling; terrible
  4. extremely bad
  5. dreadful; causing alarm or fear
  6. most formidable
  7. intense; extreme in degree or extent
  8. very bad
  9. -

Cross Translation:
terrible horrible; gruesome; dreadful; abysmal; terrible; dire vreselijk — bijzonder erg, schrikwekkend
terrible terrible verschrikkelijk — zo erg dat men er van schrikt
terrible great duftenorddeutsch, besonders berlinisch; salopp: sehr gut
terrible terrible furchtbar — in starken Ausmaße negativ oder Entsetzen, Furcht hervorrufend
terrible terrible; horrible schrecklich — (Angst und) Schrecken, Entsetzen auslösend

Traducciones automáticas externas:


Traducciones detalladas de terrible de inglés a francés


terrible adj.

  1. terrible (appalling; awful; dreadful)
  2. terrible (paltry; miserable; abominable; )
  3. terrible (terrifying; horrible; dreadful; frightful)
  4. terrible (disastrous; unfortunate; fatal)
  5. terrible (tremendous; huge)
  6. terrible (gross)
  7. terrible (horrible; ghastly; ominous; )

Translation Matrix for terrible:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
malicieux cleverness; cunning; sagacity; shrewdness; slyness
misérable bastard; creep; cur; good-for-nothing; idler; layabout; lazybones; loafer; loiterer; lounger; louse; nasty piece of work; pain in the ass; pain in the neck; pauper; rascal; rogue; rotter; scoundrel; screw; skulker; skunk; slacker; slowcoach; slowpoke; sluggard; sly dog; snail; stinker; twerp; villain; wretch; wretched fellow; yellowbelly
sinistre calamity; catastrophe; insurance claim
AdjectiveTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
respectable clean; decent; fair; honest; reputable; respectable; virtuous; worthy
- abominable; atrocious; awful; dreadful; frightful; painful; severe; tremendous; unspeakable; wicked
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
malicieux evil
- dreadful; frightful
ModifierTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
affolant appalling; awful; dreadful; terrible
affreusement appalling; awful; dreadful; terrible abhorrent; abominable; barbaric; brutal; cruel; gruesome; heinous; horrible; inhuman; inhumane; obnoxious; repelling; repugnant; repulsive; revolting
atroce appalling; awful; dreadful; terrible abhorrent; abominable; alarming; appalling; barbaric; brutal; creepy; cruel; dangerous; frightening; frightful; ghastly; grisly; gruesome; hazardous; heinous; hideous; horrible; horrific; inhuman; inhumane; monstrous; obnoxious; perilous; repelling; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; risky; scary; spooky; terrifying
d'une façon funeste disastrous; fatal; terrible; unfortunate disastrous; unfortunate
de façon sinistre abominable; appalling; detestable; ghastly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; obnoxious; odious; ominous; sinister; terrible; unholy creepy; eerie; lugubrious; ominous; scary; sinister
désastreusement disastrous; fatal; terrible; unfortunate catastrophic; disastrous; fatal; fateful; unfortunate
désastreux disastrous; fatal; terrible; unfortunate calamitous; catastrophic; disastrous; fatal; fateful; ill-fated; pernicious; unfortunate
effroyable abominable; appalling; awful; detestable; dreadful; ghastly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; obnoxious; odious; ominous; sinister; terrible; unholy alarming; appalling; awful; creepy; dangerous; frightening; frightful; ghastly; grisly; gruesome; hazardous; huge; perilous; risky; scary; spooky; terrifying; tremendous
effroyablement appalling; awful; dreadful; terrible appalling; awful; blast; crying shame; crying to heaven; damn it; darned; dash it; disgraceful; dreadful; frightful; horribly; huge; outrageous; rank; shocking; terribly; tremendous
formidable huge; terrible; tremendous brilliant; delightful; enormous; excellent; extraordinary; fabulous; fanciful; fantastic; first-rate; formidable; glorious; grand; grandiose; great; highly gifted; immense; marvellous; marvelous; mighty; phenomenal; powerful; prodigious; smashing; splendid; swell; terrific; top-notch; tremendous; wild; wonderful
funeste disastrous; fatal; terrible; unfortunate calamitous; disastrous; fatal; ill-fated; ominous; pernicious; sinister; unfortunate
horrible dreadful; frightful; horrible; terrible; terrifying alarming; appalling; awful; creepy; dangerous; frightening; frightful; ghastly; grisly; gruesome; hazardous; hideous; horrible; horrific; huge; imminent; impending; monstrous; perilous; risky; scary; spooky; terrifying; threatening; tremendous; ugly as hell; ugly as sin
lamentable abominable; meager; meagre; miserable; paltry; poor; terrible a flop; deplorable; distressed; distressful; horrible; miserable; pathetic; pitiable; pitiful; poky; woeful; wretched
malicieusement abominable; appalling; detestable; ghastly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; obnoxious; odious; ominous; sinister; terrible; unholy blackguardly; boy-like; boyish; demonic; devilish; diabolic; foul; malicious; mischievous; naughty; playful; rascally; roguish; satanic; scoundrelly; villainous; waggish
malicieux abominable; appalling; detestable; ghastly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; obnoxious; odious; ominous; sinister; terrible; unholy amiss; bad; bitchy; blackguardly; boy-like; boyish; cunning; demonic; devilish; diabolic; false; faulty; foul; hateful; inaccurate; incorrect; invidious; malicious; mischievous; naughty; off; off target; playful; rascally; roguish; satanic; scoundrelly; slick; sly; snide; spiteful; vicious; villainous; waggish; wrong; wrongly
maligne abominable; appalling; detestable; ghastly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; obnoxious; odious; ominous; sinister; terrible; unholy clever; demonic; devilish; diabolic; foul; ingenious; keen; malicious; resourceful; satanic; sharp
minable abominable; meager; meagre; miserable; paltry; poor; terrible bad; behind one's back; cunning; distressed; false; falsely; foul; indecent; jarring; lousy; low; mean; miserable; nasty; offensive; paltry; parched; poor; poverty stricken; ragged; ribald; scurvy; secretly; shabby; shady; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; underhand; unsightly; vicious; vile; wretched
misérable abominable; disastrous; fatal; meager; meagre; miserable; paltry; poor; terrible; unfortunate awful; distressed; distressful; drained; languid; languishing; lingering; listless; lousy; miserable; naseaus; paltry; parched; pathetic; pitiful; poky; poor; poverty stricken; ragged; rotten; shabby; shady; sickly; unsightly; washed out; wretched
misérablement dreadful; frightful; horrible; terrible; terrifying awful; distressed; distressful; miserable; pathetic; pitiful; rotten; shabby; wretched
pitoyable abominable; dreadful; frightful; horrible; meager; meagre; miserable; paltry; poor; terrible; terrifying deplorable; distressed; distressful; miserable; parched; pathetic; pitiable; pitiful; poor; woeful; wretched
pitoyablement dreadful; frightful; horrible; terrible; terrifying distressed; distressful; miserable; pathetic; pitiful; woeful; wretched
qui donne le frisson abominable; appalling; detestable; ghastly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; obnoxious; odious; ominous; sinister; terrible; unholy creepy; eerie; frightening; lugubrious; ominous; scary; sinister; terrifying
redoutable huge; terrible; tremendous awful; formidable; huge; mighty; powerful; tremendous
respectable huge; terrible; tremendous big; chivalrous; considerable; conspicuous; courteous; decent; dignified; eminent; enormous; estimable; formidable; great; high-placed; high-ranking; high-seated; highly placed; honorable; honourable; impressive; large; leading; mighty; neat; notable; powerful; prominent; proper; properly; reasonable; remarkable; reputable; respectable; striking; substantial; tall; tolerable; tremendous; vast; venerable; well-mannered
sans valeur abominable; meager; meagre; miserable; paltry; poor; terrible useless; valueless; worthless
sinistre abominable; appalling; detestable; ghastly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; obnoxious; odious; ominous; sinister; terrible; unholy cheerless; creepy; dubious; eerie; gloomy; grimy; joyless; lugubrious; macabre; moody; nasty; obscure; ominous; pensive; problematic; questionable; sad; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; somber; sombre; spooky; suspect; suspicious; triste; uncertain; unreliable; wistful
terrible appalling; awful; dreadful; frightful; gross; horrible; terrible; terrifying abhorrent; abominable; barbaric; brutal; cool; cruel; fantastic; gruesome; heinous; horrible; inhuman; inhumane; obnoxious; outrageous; repelling; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; super
terriblement abominable; appalling; awful; detestable; dreadful; frightful; ghastly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; obnoxious; odious; ominous; sinister; terrible; terrifying; unholy appalling; blast; damn it; darned; dash it; dreadful; frightful; horribly; terribly
terrifiant dreadful; frightful; horrible; terrible; terrifying abominable; alarming; appalling; awful; barbaric; brutal; creepy; cruel; dangerous; disquieting; disturbing; dreadful; fearfull; frightening; frightful; frightning; ghastly; grisly; grizly; gruesome; hazardous; heinous; horribly; huge; imminent; impending; inhuman; inhumane; ominous; perilous; risky; scary; sinister; spooky; terribly; terrifying; threatening; tremendous
vachement appalling; awful; dreadful; terrible bogus; faked; false; feigned; fictitious; mean; not genuine; pedestrian; sham; stingy; vile
à faire fremir abominable; appalling; detestable; ghastly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; obnoxious; odious; ominous; sinister; terrible; unholy
énorme gross; huge; terrible; tremendous abundant; amazing; ample; amply; astonishing; astounding; at large extent; big; colossal; comprehensive; considerable; conspicuous; copious; detailed; elaborate; enormous; enormously; extensive; formidable; gigantic; great; huge; immense; immensely; large; large as life; lavish; lengthy; life size; marvellous; marvelous; memorable; mighty; mile-high; miraculous; momentous; mountaineous; mountainous; notable; out of proportion; plentifull; powerful; remarkable; respectable; rich; sky-high; startling; striking; stupendous; substantial; surprising; tall; telling; titanic; to a huge extent; towering; tremendous; vast; very large; wide; widespread; wonderful
épouvantable appalling; awful; dreadful; frightful; horrible; huge; terrible; terrifying; tremendous a flop; abominable; alarming; appalling; awful; barbaric; brutal; cruel; disquieting; disturbing; dreadful; fearfull; formidable; frightening; frightful; frightning; grizly; gruesome; heinous; horrible; horribly; huge; inhuman; inhumane; mighty; ominous; powerful; scary; sinister; terribly; terrifying; tremendous
épuvantablement abominable; appalling; detestable; ghastly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; obnoxious; odious; ominous; sinister; terrible; unholy

Palabras relacionadas con "terrible":

Sinónimos de "terrible":

Definiciones relacionadas de "terrible":

  1. exceptionally bad or displeasing1
    • terrible handwriting1
  2. intensely or extremely bad or unpleasant in degree or quality1
    • a terrible cough1
  3. extreme in degree or extent or amount or impact1

Wiktionary: terrible

  1. dreadful; causing alarm or fear
  2. most formidable
  3. intense; extreme in degree or extent
  4. unpleasant
  5. very bad
  6. -
  1. Qui causer ou qui est propre à causer de la frayeur, de l’effroi.
  2. Qui est très douloureux au sens physique et au sens moral.
  3. Qui causer de la terreur ; qui est propre à donner de la terreur.

Cross Translation:
terrible terrible vreselijk — bijzonder erg, schrikwekkend
terrible terrible verschrikkelijk — zo erg dat men er van schrikt
terrible terrible; effrayant furchtbar — in starken Ausmaße negativ oder Entsetzen, Furcht hervorrufend
terrible méchant schlimmsittlich: gegen anerkannte Werte verstoßend
terrible négatif schlimmallgemein: sehr negativ; nicht gut
terrible terrible; horrible schrecklich — (Angst und) Schrecken, Entsetzen auslösend

Traducciones automáticas externas: