
Traducciones detalladas de area de inglés a alemán


area [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the area (region; place; district; )
    die Landstriche; die Gegend
  2. the area (quarter; district; ward)
    der Stadtteil; Stadtviertel; der Stadtbezirk
  3. the area (zone; domain; territory; )
    Gebiet; die Zone; der Bereich; Gelände; der Bezirk; die Fläche; die Gegend; die Region
  4. the area (territory)
    der Sektor; der Bereich
  5. the area (territory)
    die Zone; die Region; der Bereich; Gebiet; der Bezirk; Revier; Territorium; Gebietsteil
  6. the area
    Gelände; Gebiet; Grundstück; die Zone; Territorium; der Bezirk; Revier; Gut
  7. the area (district; zone; region; territory)
    Gebiet; der Bezirk; Viertel; der Stadtteil; der Stadtbezirk; der Bereich
  8. the area (region; domain; territory; )
    die Region; die Provinz; die Gegend; die Gau
  9. the area (district; territory)
    der Bezirk; die Region; die Gegend; die Umgebung; der Umkreis; die Zone
  10. the area
    – A group of networks within an OSPF autonomous system. OSPF areas reduce the size of the link state database and provide the ability to summarize routes. 1
  11. the area
    – A part of the user interface dedicated to a particular purpose, such as "instant message area." 1
    der Bereich
  12. the area
    – A node on the Common Structure Service hierarchy that represents a feature area. 1
    der Bereich

Translation Matrix for area:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
Bereich area; department; district; domain; dominion; region; sphere; territory; zone band; building site; cache region; county; department; district; ground; lot; navigation place; pane; parcel; place; plot; province; range; reach; realm; region; scope; search scope; site; window pane
Bezirk area; department; district; domain; dominion; region; sphere; territory; zone county; department; district; jurisdiction; province; region; territorial jurisdiction
Fläche area; department; district; domain; dominion; region; sphere; territory; zone building; building site; construction; edifice; face; ground; level; lot; parcel; plot; premises; site; structure; surface
Gau area; county; department; district; domain; dominion; province; region; sphere; territory; zone
Gebiet area; department; district; domain; dominion; region; sphere; territory; zone building; building site; circle; construction; county; department; district; edifice; ground; lot; parcel; place; plot; premises; province; region; ring; site; structure; territory
Gebietsteil area; territory
Gegend area; county; department; district; domain; dominion; part of the country; place; province; region; sphere; territory; zone county; department; district; environment; environs; neighborhood; neighbourhood; place; province; region; vicinity
Gelände area; department; district; domain; dominion; region; sphere; territory; zone building site; ground; lot; parcel; plot; site
Grundstück area building; building site; construction; edifice; ground; immovable; immovables; lot; parcel; plot; premises; real estate; real property; site; structure
Gut area cargo; farmstead; farmyard; freight; immovable; immovables; load; real estate; real property; shipment
Landstriche area; county; department; district; part of the country; place; province; region
Provinz area; county; department; district; domain; dominion; province; region; sphere; territory; zone country; country side; countryside; county; department; district; estate; field; province; region
Region area; county; department; district; domain; dominion; province; region; sphere; territory; zone county; department; district; province; region
Revier area; territory habitat; territory
Sektor area; territory discipline; science discipline; sector; specialism
Stadtbezirk area; district; quarter; region; territory; ward; zone urban agglomeration
Stadtteil area; district; quarter; region; territory; ward; zone part of the city; quarter
Stadtviertel area; district; quarter; ward
Territorium area; territory habitat; territory
Umgebung area; district; territory closeness; environment; environs; nearness; neighborhood; neighbourhood; vicinity
Umkreis area; district; territory environs; outline; vicinity
Viertel area; district; region; territory; zone fourth; fourth part; quarter
Zone area; department; district; domain; dominion; region; sphere; territory; zone county; department; district; earth zone; province; region; zone
- arena; country; domain; expanse; field; orbit; region; sphere; surface area
Not SpecifiedTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
Fläche area
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- district; space

Palabras relacionadas con "area":

  • areas

Sinónimos de "area":

Definiciones relacionadas de "area":

  1. a part of a structure having some specific characteristic or function2
    • the spacious cooking area provided plenty of room for servants2
  2. the extent of a 2-dimensional surface enclosed within a boundary2
    • the area of a rectangle2
    • it was about 500 square feet in area2
  3. a part of an animal that has a special function or is supplied by a given artery or nerve2
  4. a subject of study2
    • it was his area of specialization2
    • areas of interest include...2
  5. a particular geographical region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography)2
    • it was a mountainous area2
  6. a particular environment or walk of life2
    • it was a closed area of employment2
  7. A group of networks within an OSPF autonomous system. OSPF areas reduce the size of the link state database and provide the ability to summarize routes.1
  8. A part of the user interface dedicated to a particular purpose, such as "instant message area."1
  9. A node on the Common Structure Service hierarchy that represents a feature area.1

Wiktionary: area

  1. particular geographic region
  2. math: measure of extent of a surface
  1. ein einzelnes Gebiet, eine Fachrichtung innerhalb eines umfassenderen (meist wissenschaftlichen) Fachs, Bereichs oder Tätigkeitsfelds
  2. allgemein: ein Bereich beziehungsweise ein Gebiet, das (geografisch, politisch oder in Bezug auf die Verwaltung) eine Einheit bildet und mehrere Städte und Gemeinden umfasst, aber auch über Landesgrenzen hinweggehen kann
  3. ein Teil des Körpers, etwa die Umgebung oder den Bereich eines Organs oder eines Körperteils, (Schmerzen in der Magengegend)
  4. entgegen der unter [1] genannten Erklärung, ein relativ bekanntes Gebiet, das oft in der Nachbarschaft oder auch nur in der Nähe liegt
  5. räumlicher Bereich mit einer bestimmten Ausdehnung, Fläche
  6. die Größe einer Fläche
  7. ein zweidimensionales Gebilde
  8. ein mehr oder weniger abgegrenztes Gebiet (der Ort) (auch übertragen)
  9. Bereich, Gebiet

Cross Translation:
area Gebiet gebied — een deel van het aardoppervlak
area Adlerhorst; Flächeninhalt; Areal; Fläche; Flächenraum; Grundfläche; Bodenfläche aire — (mathématiques) Quantité positive associée à une surface bornée, plane ou dans l'espace à trois dimensions. Synonyme de superficie.
area Feld; Eingabefeld; Anzeigefeld champ — Espace (mathématique, sociologie, etc.))
area Viertel; Quartier; Stadtviertel; Stadtteil quartierquart, une des quatre parties plus ou moins égales d'un tout.
area Bereich; Gebiet; Gegend; Region région — toponymie‎|fr Vaste territoire ; étendue de pays.

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