
Traducciones detalladas de lead de inglés a español


Conjugaciones de lead:

  1. lead
  2. lead
  3. leads
  4. lead
  5. lead
  6. lead
simple past
  1. led
  2. led
  3. led
  4. led
  5. led
  6. led
present perfect
  1. have led
  2. have led
  3. has led
  4. have led
  5. have led
  6. have led
past continuous
  1. was leading
  2. were leading
  3. was leading
  4. were leading
  5. were leading
  6. were leading
  1. shall lead
  2. will lead
  3. will lead
  4. shall lead
  5. will lead
  6. will lead
continuous present
  1. am leading
  2. are leading
  3. is leading
  4. are leading
  5. are leading
  6. are leading
  1. be led
  2. be led
  3. be led
  4. be led
  5. be led
  6. be led
  1. lead!
  2. let's lead!
  3. led
  4. leading
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

lead [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the lead (heavy metal)
    el plomo
    • plomo [el ~] sustantivo
  2. the lead (heavy metal)
    la plomada
  3. the lead
    la delantera
  4. the lead (tip; hint; pointer; )
    la sugerencia; la seña; la punta; la información; el gesto; la indicación; la señal
  5. the lead (cable; wire; ripcord)
    el alambre; el tubo; el cable; la fibra; la tubería; el nervio
  6. the lead (front position; leading; taking the lead; command)
    el mando; la dirección
  7. the lead (starting point; indication; pointer; suggestion)
  8. the lead (clue; tip; hint)
    la espuela; el espolón; la vía; la huella; el esporo; el vestigio; la indicación
  9. the lead (sales lead; customer lead)
    – A potential customer who must be contacted by a salesperson and either qualified or disqualified as a sales opportunity. Leads will be converted into accounts, contacts, or opportunities if they are qualified. Otherwise they are deleted or archived. 1

Translation Matrix for lead:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
alambre cable; lead; ripcord; wire wire
arrojar casting; throwing
cable cable; lead; ripcord; wire cable; chain; flex; hawser; raceme; rope; wire
conducir drive
delantera lead face; fore-part; front; front side; frontline
dirección command; front position; lead; leading; taking the lead address; addressing; board; board of directors; board of managers; cable; committee; conducting; course; direction; directorate; directorship; e-mail address; email address; internet e-mail address; management; policy; politics; régie; stage-management; strategy; supervision; tactic; wire
dirigir directing; leading
echar throwing out
espolón clue; hint; lead; tip
esporo clue; hint; lead; tip
espuela clue; hint; lead; tip
fibra cable; lead; ripcord; wire body fibre; cotton; fiber; fibre; filament; string; thread; yarn
gesto clue; cue; hint; lead; pointer; tip; tip-off gesture; grin; jibe; metal; smirk; sneer; tin
guiar drifting; floating
huella clue; hint; lead; tip clatter of hoofs; deposit; dregs; footfall; footprint; footstep; hoofbeat; last bit; lees; pounding of hoofs; print; print-out; remnant; residuum; rest; sediment; sludge; the last bit; thud of hoofs
indicación clue; cue; hint; lead; pointer; tip; tip-off assignment; command; evidence; hand; indicating; indication; instruction; omen; order; pointer; pointing out; showing; sign; symptom
información clue; cue; hint; lead; pointer; tip; tip-off announcement; announcements; announcing; clarification; clearing; delegation of knowledge; enlightenment; enunciation; explanation; giving notice of; info; information; informing; message; notice; notification; objective reporting; piece of news; proclaiming; pronunciation; report; reportage; statement
mando command; front position; lead; leading; taking the lead assignment; board; board of directors; board of managers; cable; command; committee; cue; direction; employees; foreman; governing; instruction; management; manpower; motto; order; parole; personnel; ruling; servants; shibboleth; staff; steering; supervision; wire
nervio cable; lead; ripcord; wire cotton; dope; drugs; grain; narcotics; nerve; string; thread; vein; yarn
plomada heavy metal; lead plumb; plumb line; plumb-line; plummet
plomo heavy metal; lead bullet
punta clue; cue; hint; lead; pointer; tip; tip-off course; crest; culmination; date; direction; far end; hilltop; moment; peak; point; summmit; terminus; tip; upper edge; upper side
punto de referencia indication; lead; pointer; starting point; suggestion
seña clue; cue; hint; lead; pointer; tip; tip-off blink; gesture; hand; pointer; sign; signal; wink
señal clue; cue; hint; lead; pointer; tip; tip-off character description; character profile; characterisation; characteristic; characterization; deposit; down payment; evidence; feature; gesture; identification mark; identifying mark; indication; mark; omen; quality; sign; signal; symptom
sugerencia clue; cue; hint; lead; pointer; tip; tip-off hint; tip
tubería cable; lead; ripcord; wire pipeline; piping; well
tubo cable; lead; ripcord; wire chute; tube
vestigio clue; hint; lead; tip monster
vía clue; hint; lead; tip avenue; carriageway; lane; path; railroad; railroad track; railway; road; roadway; shunting-rail; shunting-track; street; track; tracks; traffic lane; way
- Pb; atomic number 82; booster cable; confidential information; hint; jumper cable; jumper lead; lead story; lead-in; leading; leash; lede; pencil lead; principal; spark advance; star; steer; tether; tip; track; trail; wind
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
acompañar direct; guide; lead; point the direction accompany; add; add to; add to mixture; append; besiege; besieged; besieges; blend with; bring; bring along; carry; chaperon; come along with; come with; conduct; cover; cruise in; deliver; deliver to the door; drive in; encapsulate; enclose; escort; evnvelope; hand over; join; lead about; leave; ride with; show around; surround; walk along; wrap up
alinear guide; lead; point the direction aim; align; line up
aplicar vidriado de plomo glaze with lead; lead
arrojar direct; guide; lead; point the direction cast; cast off; cast out; chuck down; deposit; drop; falter; fling; fling down; flop; heave; hurl; pitch; placing; puke; regurgigate; roll; spew; spew out; stagger; swap; sway; switch; swop; throw; throw away; throw down; throw off; throw on the ground; throw out; throw up; vomit; wave; wobble
barrer direct; guide; lead; point the direction blot out; brush away; brush clean; delete; eliminate; erase; rub out; sweep; sweep along; sweep away; sweep up; wipe; wipe away; wipe out
conducir direct; guide; lead; point the direction be at the wheel; be in command of; carry; command; drive; drive horses; operate; order; preside; ride; steer; take the lead; transport
convoyar direct; guide; lead; point the direction lead about; show around
coordinar guide; lead; point the direction align; arrange; coordinate; organise; organize
dirigir command; direct; lead; preside address; adjust; arrange; be at the wheel; be in command of; command; conduct; conform to; direct; drive; join; order; preside; put on an address; refer to; steer; take the lead
echar direct; guide; lead; point the direction add; allow; ban; banish; cast; discard; discharge; disgorge; dismiss; dispel; donate; drain; drive away; drive off; drive out; drop; empty; exile; exorcise; exorcize; expel; fire; fling; give; heave; hurl; lay off; move house; ostracise; ostracize; pour; pour in; pour some more; release; remove; repel; sack; send; sprinkle; throw; throw away; throw out
encabezar command; direct; lead; preside be in command of; command; order; preside; take the lead
escoltar direct; guide; lead; point the direction lead about; show around
estar bien encaminado guide; lead; point the direction
estar en cabeza command; direct; lead; preside be in command of; command; order; preside; take the lead
gobernar command; direct; lead; preside be in command of; command; order; preside; take the lead
guiar command; direct; lead; preside be in command of; command; drive; drive horses; lead about; order; pilot through; preside; show around; take the lead
ir a la cabeza command; direct; lead; preside be in command of; command; go before; order; precede; preside; take the lead
ir delante command; direct; lead; preside be in command of; be way ahead; command; drive at the front; drive in front; drive onward; go before; order; precede; preside; ride at the front; take the lead
llevar buen camino guide; lead; point the direction
mandar command; direct; lead; preside aggravate; assign to; be in command of; bid; bring; burden; capitulate; charge; command; commission; contribute; decree; dedicate; deliver; deliver to the door; devote; dictate; direct; discharge; dismiss; dominate; drop; enter; exert power; fire; force; forward; give an order; give up; hand oneself in; hand oneself over to; hand over; have the upper hand; instruct; lay off; leave; mail; majorate; ordain; order; predominate; preside; prevail; release; remit; rule; sack; send; send in; send to; ship; supply; take the lead
rectificar guide; lead; point the direction adjust; align; better; correct; fix; get better; improve; make better; make good; put right; put straight; put up; raise; rectify; renew; set right
- chair; conduce; conduct; contribute; direct; extend; go; guide; head; leave; moderate; pass; precede; result; run; take; top
Not SpecifiedTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
cliente potencial customer lead; lead; sales lead prospect
vía via
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- command; commanding; leadership

Palabras relacionadas con "lead":

Sinónimos de "lead":

Antónimos de "lead":

Definiciones relacionadas de "lead":

  1. the playing of a card to start a trick in bridge2
    • the lead was in the dummy2
  2. a position of leadership (especially in the phrase `take the lead')2
    • he takes the lead in any group2
    • we were just waiting for someone to take the lead2
    • they didn't follow our lead2
  3. a jumper that consists of a short piece of wire2
    • it was a tangle of jumper cables and clip leads2
  4. mixture of graphite with clay in different degrees of hardness; the marking substance in a pencil2
  5. thin strip of metal used to separate lines of type in printing2
  6. restraint consisting of a rope (or light chain) used to restrain an animal2
  7. the timing of ignition relative to the position of the piston in an internal-combustion engine2
  8. an advantage held by a competitor in a race2
    • he took the lead at the last turn2
  9. evidence pointing to a possible solution2
    • the police are following a promising lead2
    • the trail led straight to the perpetrator2
  10. the introductory section of a story2
  11. a news story of major importance2
  12. an indication of potential opportunity2
    • a good lead for a job2
  13. (baseball) the position taken by a base runner preparing to advance to the next base2
    • he took a long lead off first2
  14. an actor who plays a principal role2
  15. (sports) the score by which a team or individual is winning2
  16. the angle between the direction a gun is aimed and the position of a moving target (correcting for the flight time of the missile)2
  17. a soft heavy toxic malleable metallic element; bluish white when freshly cut but tarnishes readily to dull grey2
    • the children were playing with lead soldiers2
  18. cause to undertake a certain action2
    • Her greed led her to forge the checks2
  19. preside over2
  20. lead, as in the performance of a composition2
  21. move ahead (of others) in time or space2
  22. travel in front of; go in advance of others2
  23. take somebody somewhere2
    • We lead him to our chief2
  24. be in charge of2
  25. be conducive to2
    • The use of computers in the classroom lead to better writing2
  26. have as a result or residue2
  27. tend to or result in2
    • This remark lead to further arguments among the guests2
  28. stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point2
    • His knowledge doesn't go very far2
  29. lead, extend, or afford access2
  30. cause something to pass or lead somewhere2
  31. be ahead of others; be the first2
  32. A potential customer who must be contacted by a salesperson and either qualified or disqualified as a sales opportunity. Leads will be converted into accounts, contacts, or opportunities if they are qualified. Otherwise they are deleted or archived.1

Wiktionary: lead

  1. precedence; advance position
  2. bullets
  3. refill for writing tool
  4. plummet to measure depth of water
  5. separator line in print
  6. chemical element
  1. intransitive: to go first
  2. intransitive: be more advanced
  3. intransitive: have the highest interim score in a game
  4. intransitive: be ahead of others
  5. begin a game of cards or dominoes
  6. guide or conduct oneself
  7. go or be in advance of; precede
  8. guide or conduct in a certain course
  9. guide or conduct with the hand, or by means of some physical contact connection

Cross Translation:
lead plomo lood — een scheikundig element met symbool Pb en atoomnummer 82
lead enlace; punto de partida; punto de contacto; punto de referencia aanknopingspunt — feit of gegeven op basis waarvan wordt voortgebouwd, verder geredeneerd enz.
lead plomo BleiChemie: silbernes, leichtverformbares, toxisch wirkendes Metall
lead jefe Haupt — Person an der oberster Stelle einer Hierarchie
lead dirigir leiten — die Führung ausüben
lead precintar plombieren — (transitiv) den Verschluss eines Behältnisses oder eine technische Einrichtung mit einer bleiernen oder metallenen Plombe versiegeln
lead indicio; punto de referencia Anhaltspunkt — etwas, das einen Hinweis für die Richtigkeit einer Annahme gibt
lead resultar; salir; alcanzar; conseguir; lograr aboutirtoucher par un bout.
lead aportar; llevar; traer amenermener d’un lieu à un autre.
lead conducir conduiremener, guider, diriger vers un lieu déterminé.
lead guiar guideraccompagner quelqu’un pour lui montrer le chemin.
lead liderar; conducir; guiar; llevar mener — Conduire (sens général)
lead plomo plomb — Élément, métal.
lead preceder; adelantarse; anteceder précéderaller devant ; marcher devant.
lead arreglar réglertirer avec la règle des lignes droites sur du papier, du parchemin, du carton, etc. cf|papier réglé.

Traducciones automáticas externas:

Traducciones relacionadas de lead